학회지 규정

Regulations for Publication
Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology

1. Journal Name
Journal published by the Korean Clinical Association is named “Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology”.
2. Publication Frequency
The journal is published quarterly (February 28th, May 30th, August 30th, November 30th). Special Issues may be published separately following approval of the editorial board.
3. Budget
Publication expenses will be covered by manuscript publication fee, external funding and financial support from the Korean Clinical Psychology Association.
4. Editor-in-Chief
The editor-in-chief will be appointed by the President of the Korean Clinical Psychology Association following review of the area of expertise, representative region, research accomplishment of the editor-in-chief.
The editor-in-chief will maintain the position for a term of two years and may be reappointed.
The editor-in-chief holds the decision-making rights pertaining to the entire editorial process in consultation with the editorial board.
5. Editorial Board
The editor-in-chief can invite a minimum of six editorial board members based on area of expertise, representative region, and research accomplishments.
The editorial board will maintain the position for a term of two years and may be reappointed.
Each member of the editorial board will serve as the acting associate editor for assigned manuscripts and will decide on the acceptance of submitted manuscripts together with the editor-in-chief.
The editorial board holds the decision-making rights pertaining to assignment of reviewers, running of the editorial board and issues related to editing.
6. Reviewers
The editorial board may invite individuals who hold doctorate degrees (or have passed doctorate degree qualification examinations) in clinical psychology or related areas as reviewers.
Reviewers hold the responsibility to maintain confidentiality regarding content of review, demonstrate quality of review, and complete the review within the requested time frame.
7. Publication Credentials
Members and nonmembers of the Korean Clinical Psychology Association can submit and publish articles.
8. Content of Published Articles
Empirical research articles and review articles covering the field of clinical psychology will be published. Manuscript submitted to other journals or articles that have been published in other journals or proceedings cannot be submitted for review. In the case that this regulation has been broken, the author(s) must follow the decisions of the editorial board.
9. Submission of Manuscript
Authors seeking to submit a manuscript to the journal must indicate each author’s affiliation, position, and contribution to the study and/or manuscript during the process of online submission. All manuscripts must abide by the “Author Guidelines” of the journal. Manuscripts that have now followed the guidelines will not be processed.
10. Review of Manuscript
All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed in accordance with the following procedure.
All manuscripts will be assigned an associate editor and 3 reviewers. The review process will begin within one week of reviewer finalization. The associate editor and the reviewers from the same affiliation as the first and corresponding author will be excluded when making the initial assignment.
Manuscripts wherein the first or corresponding author is affiliated with a local/national institution will pay a manuscript review fee.
In order to assure objectivity and fairness, all information that may identify the authors (e.g., name, affiliation, contact information) will be made blind prior to review.
The reviewers will be given three weeks to submit the review. Review of revised manuscripts must be submitted within two weeks. In the case wherein a reviewer does not submit the review within the given time period, the editorial board will first contact the reviewer to request the review results. If the reviewer still fails to submit a review, that particular reviewer may be dismissed.
Reviewers must submit their review in accordance with the review requirements of the editorial board. In the case that revision is deemed necessary, reviewers must clearly and specifically indicate the area needing revision in corresponding with the editorial board.
The associate editor will review the results of the review and complete the review decision form. Upon approval from the editor-in-chief, the review results will be sent to the corresponding author.
If the result of the first review is “Accepted for Publication”, authors will be requested to reply to comments made by the reviewers with relevant revisions and the responses to reviewers and the revised manuscript will be reviewed by the editorial board.
If the result of the first review is “Major Revision”, authors will be requested to reply to comments made by the reviewers with relevant revisions and the responses to reviewers and the revised manuscript will be reviewed by the relevant reviewer(s).
Authors must resubmit the revised manuscript and the responses to reviewers within four weeks of the initial review results, and within two weeks for second and third revisions. If additional time is required in preparation of the revised manuscript, an extension will be allowed one time if a request for an extension is made before the deadline. If a request for an extension on a particular manuscript is made more than once, the editorial board will confer and decide whether an extension should be allowed. However, if the results of the review requires additional experiment or data collection, a specific extension (e.g., 3 months) may be provided. If a revised manuscript is not submitted within the time frame, it will be assumed that author(s) no longer wish to partake in the review process and hence the manuscript will be given a “Rejection” decision by the editorial board.
A manuscript rejected for publication may not be resubmitted.
An author of an accepted manuscript must participate as a reviewer at least once a year when invited as a reviewer if he/she meets the requirements of a reviewer.
11. Publication of Manuscript
First and corresponding authors may publish a maximum of two articles in one volume.
12. Certificate of Scheduled Publication
Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication may request a certificate of scheduled publication following final submission of revised manuscripts.
13. Security of Review Results
Information regarding review content and results cannot be made public unless there exist legal/statutory requirements or issues related to research ethics.
14. Research Ethics
Authors and reviewers must be familiar with and abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to human subject research as indicated in relevant regulations (e.g., “Research Ethics Regulations” and “Research Article and Publication Guidelines” of the Korean Psychological Association, “APA Ethics Code” of the American Psychological Association).
If there exist a breach with above-mentioned ethics code and regulations or if a breach is suspected in submitted and published articles, or in the review process, the editorial board will conduct a full investigation. Following the investigation, appropriate follow-up measures will be taken and authors and/or reviewers will be noticed. In addition, the results of the investigation will be shared with the ethics committee of the Korean Clinical Psychology Association and the appropriate research integrity committee of the authors’ affiliated institution(s).
Submitted manuscripts will be cross-checked for similarity.
All submitted manuscripts must indicate that approval from relevant Institutional Review Board was obtained. However, review articles and Special Issue articles may be exempted following approval from the editorial board.
15. Withdrawal of Published Article
15-1. Subject of Article Withdrawal
All article withdrawal requests must be deliberated and decided by the editorial board regardless of who makes the request.
In case an article withdrawal is decided, this decision must be reported to the Ethics Committee of the association.
15-2. Article Withdrawal Process
A request for article withdrawal can be made by an author, supporting institution, editorial board and/or publication company when a significant violation of research ethics principle(s) is suspected. In accordance with the association’s regulations, such a request will be deliberated and decided by the editorial board.
In case an article withdrawal is decided, author(s) of the published article will review the contents of the article withdrawal confirmation document and sign the form indicating clear understanding of the facts concerning article withdrawal. The document will contain details pertaining to the date of article withdrawal decision and the reason for the withdrawal decision. This form will be permanently held by the editorial board.
Immediately following the article withdrawal decision, the Editor-in-Chief will announce the decision for article withdrawal in the next published volume and online database. This announcement will contain the following information:
  • 3-1) Publication
  • • Below the “Notice of Article Withdrawal” announcement, “The following article was decided to be withdrawn from publication on ____(month) _____(day), _____(year).”
    • Withdrawn article: Author(s) (publication year). Title of article. Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology, volume, pages.
    • Reason for Withdrawal: Indicate reason(s) for withdrawal
  • 3-2) Online database: Immediately following the decision, the following information will be included in the next online publication.
  • • Below the “Notice of Article Withdrawal” announcement, “The following article was decided to be withdrawn from publication on ____(month) _____(day), _____(year).”
    • Withdrawn article: Author(s) (publication year). Title of article. Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology, volume, pages.
    • Reason for Withdrawal: Indicate reason(s) for withdrawal
  • - The search results page for the withdrawn article using the online database will include the following information:
  • • Below the “Notice of Article Withdrawal” announcement, “The following article was decided to be withdrawn from publication on ____(month) _____(day), _____(year).”
    • Withdrawn article: Author(s) (publication year). Title of article. Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology, volume, pages.
    • Reason for Withdrawal: Indicate reason(s) for withdrawal