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예방, 및 재활 서비스를 제공하는 심리학의 대표 전문분야입니다.
2021년 현재 약 8,000여명의 회원이 사회각층의 다양한 영역에서 왕성하게 활동하고 있으며, 본 학회 산하에 13개의 지회 및 22개의 연구회를 두어 회원들의 전문성을 제고하는 데 주력하여 급변하는 시대적 요구에 부응하고 있습니다.
한국심리학회가 공인하는 수련과정을 마친 뒤 임상심리전문가의 자격을 취득한 회원의 수만도 약 1,700여명에 달하며, 정신건강복지법에 근거하여 보건복지부가 공인하는 정신건강임상심리사(1급 및 2급) 자격을 취득한 회원의 수는 약 2,700명에 이릅니다.
과거에는 임상심리학자가 주로 대학(교수, 학생상담, 자문)과 병원(정신과에서 심리평가 및 심리치료)을 중심으로 활동해왔으나, 2000년 전후부터는 사설 심리치료센터를 개업하여 내담자에게 직접 서비스를 하거나 국가가 지원하는 정신건강센터를 설립하여 봉사하는 회원이 증가하고 있습니다. 또한 정부 및 지역사회로부터 임상심리학자의 전문적인 역량을 인정받아, 국가기관(예: 국가인권위원회, 청소년위원회, 군의문사진상조사위원회, 가정법원, 경찰청, 보호관찰소, 교도소, 각급 상담센터, 각급 학교 등)의 공직자 혹은 대기업의 전문 인력으로 봉직하는 회원들이 크게 증가하고 있습니다.
본 학회는 영문판인 제1학술지 `Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology`를 연간 4회 발간하고 있으며, 한국어판인 제2학술지 `한국심리학회지 : 임상심리 연구와 실제`를 연간 4회 발간하고 있습니다. 또한, 매년 학술대회와 연수회 및 수련생 공동교육을 개최하여 각종 심포지엄과 워크숍, 회원교육, 사례발표를 비롯한 학문적 성찬을 베풀고 있습니다.
Clinical psychology is a leading specialty in psychology that provides psychological assessment, therapy, research, education, consultation, prevention, and rehabilitation to alleviate intellectual, emotional, biological, psychological, social, and behavioral maladjustments and discomfort that can occur throughout a person’s life based on the understanding of theory and research methodology.
As of 2022, nearly 9,000 members are active in diverse areas of society, and the Korean Clinical Psychological Association’s (KCPA’s) 13 regional divisions and 22 research groups are focused on enhancing the members’ expertise to meet the demands of the rapidly changing times.
Over 2,000 members are licensed clinical psychologists who have completed clinical and academic training accredited by the Korean Psychological Association, and approximately 3,300 members are licensed mental health psychologists (classes 1 and 2) accredited by the Ministry of Health and Welfare based on the Mental Health Welfare Act.
In the past, the main activities of clinical psychologists centered around universities (teaching, student counseling, and consulting) and hospitals (psychological assessments and psychotherapy in psychiatric departments). Since 2000, however, more and more members have opened private psychotherapy clinics to provide direct services to clients, or have established government supported mental health centers to serve those in need of professional mental health services. Additionally, the Korean government and communities have recognized the professional competence of clinical psychologists, and the number of members serving as government officials or specialists in large companies is increasing significantly.
The KCPA publishes ‘the Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology’, which is its first English scientific journal, in the field of Psychology, issued four times a year. The second journal, ‘Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology in Korea: Research and Practice’, is also published quarterly, in Korean. In addition, the KCPA holds various academic and clinical training events each year to develop expertise of the members and facilitate academic and clinical collaboration among members, such as academic conferences, training seminars and co-training programs for interns and students, clinical workshops, case presentations, and continuing education programs for certified/or licensed professionals.